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【FDA警告信】韩国Dae Young Foods Company, Ltd.

近日,美国FDA发布了关于韩国Dae Young Foods Company, Ltd.的警告信,FDA于2017年3月13日至17日对该公司进行了检查,发现其制剂生产存在严重违反CGMP的行为。


1.    Your firm failed to visuallyexamine each container of components for appropriate labeling as to contentsupon receipt and before acceptance (21 CFR 211.82(a)).

 你们公司没有在接收和放行之前对每个成分容器目视检查其标签是否恰当(21 CFR 211.82(a))。

Your firm accepted at least one shipment of a drugcomponent without ensuring it was properly labeled. For example, the label ondrums of an in-process (b)(4) #(b)(4) containing multiple activeingredients indicated “(b)(4)” only and failed to identify any of theactive ingredients in the component or list their concentrations. Furthermore,the batch number on the drums did not match the batch number in the documentsyou provided to support the use of this component.


This in-process (b)(4) was manufactured fromingredients that pose potentially toxic effects, such as (b)(4),which contains (b)(4). You manufactured a homeopathic drug product, (b)(4),using a portion of the component that you accepted without examining forappropriate labeling. 

此中间体是采用具有潜在毒性效果的成分所生产的,例如 XX,其中含有YY。你们生产一种顺势疗法药品ZZ,使用了此成分的一总分,而你们在接受该成分时并没有检查其标签是否适当。

You cannot accept drug components unless thecontainers are appropriately labeled as to contents. In response to thisletter provide your detailed plan for ensuring that incoming drug componentsyou receive from your suppliers are appropriately labeled as to contents, forexample, accurately labeled with the identity and strength of all ingredients.


2.   Your firm failed to conduct at leastone test to verify the identity of each component of a drug product. Your firmalso failed to test each component for conformity with all appropriate writtenspecifications for purity, strength, and quality (21 CFR 211.84(d)(1) &(2)).

 你们公司未能实施至少一项检测来核查药品的每种成分的鉴别。你们公司也没有对每种成分进行检查,确认其符合所有适当的书面纯度、含量和质量标准(21 CFR 211.84(d)(1) & (2))。

Your firm failed to test incoming drug components, thein-process (b)(4) received from (b)(4), for identity or anyquality criteria prior to use in your drug manufacturing process. By notadequately analyzing these in-process (b)(4) for identity, purity,strength, and quality, you failed to ensure the suitability of incoming rawmaterials for processing.


Your firm also has not established the reliability ofyour in-process (b)(4) supplier’s certificates of analysis. Your use ofsupplier questionnaires, without appropriate validation of your supplier’s testresults, is inadequate to ensure the certificates of analysis you receive canbe used in lieu of testing your drug components for quality attributes.


In your response, you stated that you will begintesting your incoming in-process (b)(4) for the presence of (b)(4),but not the active ingredients in this (b)(4). The active ingredientsyou purport to use are potentially toxic and could pose a significant safetyhazard if present in levels higher than the labeled content. 


3.    Your firm failed to establish anadequate quality control unit and procedures applicable to the quality controlunit with the responsibility and authority to approve or reject all components,drug product containers, closures, in-process materials, packaging materials,labeling, and drug products (21 CFR 211.22(a) and (d)).

 你们公司未建立足够的质量部门和程序,使得质量部门具备职责和权力来批准或拒收所有成分、药品容器、密闭器、中间物料、包装物料、标签和药品(21 CFR 211.22(a) and (d))。

Your firm lacks an adequate quality control unit.


You failed to establish written procedures fornumerous functions. For example, there were no procedures addressing thequality control unit, complaints, deviations, investigations, and various otherbasic drug manufacturing operations.


Further, your quality unit lacked documentation todemonstrate acceptability of batch manufacturing and quality. For instance, youlacked records relating to:


change control; 变更控制

annual product reviews; 年度产品回顾

batch record review to assure that any errors were discovered and     fully investigated; and 批记录审核,以确保发现和全面调查所有错误,以及

approval or rejection of your drug products.  你们药品的批准和拒收

Misbranded drug charge 冒牌药品指控 

Your firm’s product, Smoker’s Appetite Relief is adrug under section 201(g)(1) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1), becauseit is intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease, and/orintended to affect the structure or any function of the body. Examples ofclaims that establish the intended uses for Smoker’s Appetite Relief include,but may not be limited to, the following: 

你们公司的药品,吸烟者食欲缓解产品依据FDCA第201(g)和21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)定义是一种药品,因为其因为其用于诊断、治疗或预防疾病,和/或用于影响人体结构或功能。表明吸烟者食欲缓解产品既定用途的声明内容包括但不仅限于以下:

Temporarily relieves and calms 暂时缓解和镇定

o   Excessive Appetite 过量食欲

o   Food Cravings 食物渴望

o   Overeating 饮食过量

o   Irritability 易怒

The purposes of the ingredients are listed as 成分的目的列出如下:

o    Nicotine cleansing 尼古丁净化

o    Excessive appetite, overeating 过量食欲,饮食过量

o    Food cravings食物渴望

o    Liver support 肝支持

o    Digestion / metabolism support 消化/代谢支持

o    Melancholy 忧郁

o    Mental withdrawal 心理戒断

o    Physical withdrawal 物理戒断

o    Irritability 易怒

Under section 502(a) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C.352(a), a drug is misbranded if its labeling is false or misleading in anyparticular. Section 201(n) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(n), providesthat, “in determining whether [an article’s] labeling or advertising ismisleading there shall be taken into account . . . not only representationsmade or suggested . . . but also the extent to which the labeling oradvertising fails to reveal facts material in the light of suchrepresentations.” According to your batch record for Smoker’s Appetite Relief,there are numerous ingredients that were included in the product but were notdeclared on the finished product label, such as (b)(4), and (b)(4).In addition, there are ingredients listed on the finished product label that donot appear in the batch record, such as Carduus marianus, Hypericum, Kreosotum,and Lobelia. The failure to declare ingredients on the label and the inclusionof ingredients on the label that were not included in the product is false ormisleading, and therefore such product is misbranded under section 502(a) ofthe FD&C Act.

 依据FDCA第502(a)部分和21 U.S.C. 352(a)规定,一种药品如果其标签错误或者在任何方面有误导,则该药品即为冒牌药品。FDCA第201(n)和21 U.S.C. 321(n)规定“在确定一个产品的标签或广告是否具有误导性时,应考虑……不仅……所呈现或建议的……还有标签或广告在此类呈现中未能揭示的实际材料的程度。”依据你们的吸烟者食欲缓解产品的批记录,产品中含有大量的成分,但在成品标签上并未写明。例如XX和YY。此外,列在成品标签上的成分则并未出现在批记录中,如水飞蓟、金丝桃、木焦油以及半边莲。未能在标签上写明成分,以及标签所指成分实际在产品中并不包括是造假或误导,因此此类产品依据FDCA第502(a)部分被认为是冒牌药品。

We recognize that Smoker’s Appetite Relief is labeled asa homeopathic drug with active ingredients measured in homeopathic strengths.Under section 201(g)(1) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1), the term“drug” includes articles recognized in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia ofthe United States (HPUS), or any supplement to it. Homeopathic drugs aresubject to the same regulatory requirements as other drugs; nothing in theFD&C Act exempts homeopathic drugs from any of the requirements related toadulteration, labeling, misbranding, or approval. We acknowledge that manyhomeopathic drugs are manufactured and distributed without FDA approval underenforcement policies set out in the FDA’s Compliance Policy Guideentitled, Conditions Under Which Homeopathic Drugs May be Marketed (CPG400.400) (the CPG). As its title suggests, the CPG identifies specificconditions under which homeopathic drugs may ordinarily be marketed; thus, inorder to fall under the enforcement policies set forth in the CPG, ahomeopathic product must meet the conditions set forth in the CPG.

 我们了解吸烟者食欲缓解产品标签作为顺势疗法药品,其中含有活性成分按顺势疗法剂量加入。依据FDCA第201(g)(1)部分和21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1),术语“药品”包括在美国官方顺势疗法药典(HPUS)及其增补中所认可的产品。顺势疗法药品与其它药品一样受到相同的法规要求约束,FDCA中的条款在掺假、标签、冒牌或批准方面对于顺势疗法药品并无任何豁免。我们知晓许多顺势疗法药品在没有FDA批准情况下生产和销售,不符合FDA符合性政策指南“顺势疗法药品可以上市销售的条件(CPG 400.400)(CPG)”中设定的强制政策。正如其标题所要求,CPG说明了顺势疗法药品通常可以上市销售的具体条件,因此,为了使产品符合CPG所设定的实施政策范围,顺势疗法药品必须符合CGP中所设定的条件。

The introduction or delivery for introduction intointerstate commerce of a drug that is misbranded or adulterated violatessection 301(a) of the FD&C Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(a).

将冒牌或掺假药品引入或发送进入州际贸易违反了FDCA第301(a)部分和21 U.S.C. 331(a)规定。

Responsibilities as a contractor 作为合同生产商的职责

Drugs must be manufactured in conformance with CGMP.FDA is aware that many drug manufacturers use independent contractors, such asproduction facilities, testing laboratories, packagers, and labelers. FDAregards contractors as extensions of the manufacturer.


You and your customer, (b)(4), have a qualityagreement regarding the manufacture of (b)(4). You are responsiblefor the quality of drugs you produce as a contract facility, regardless of thequality agreements in place. You are required to ensure that drugs are made inaccordance with section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act.  


Refer to the FDA’s guidance for industry, ContractManufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: Quality Agreements, at https://www.fda.gov/downloads/drugs/guidances/ucm353925.pdf.


